Software Application

Inventory Solution

Web Development

Security Systems
We provide full IT consultancy and hi-Tech security systems. Vtrak asset management and control software. and much more.

welcome to our electroVision systems

We provide high tech surveillance systems with remote cellphone monitoring. Intruder alert systems and access control. Our Vtrak inventory control and asset monitoring software can be adapted to suit most industrial needs.
• Biometric access control systems
• GPS Tanker fuel level monitoring
• Electronic pop-up Bollard barricade
• Fingerprint door lock
• Smart Homes Systems
• Facial recognition defense systems


We provide full IT consultancy and hi-Tech security systems.

Latest news


Electrovision Systems completes a successful test drive of the RFID cash transit bags. These cash bags literarily announce themselves when used in conjunction with our Vtrak software.


Watch this space for more job vacancies coming soon for highly skilled C# software professionals.
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